10 Cost Saving Ideas for the Workplace TableAir

cost saving ideas for the workplace

Whether you’re a small business just starting or a large corporation looking to streamline operations, it’s important to constantly be on the lookout for ways to cut costs and increase efficiency. By being proactive about finding ways to cut costs and streamline operations, you can give your business a competitive edge and help it thrive in any economic environment.

How Much Office Space Is Required per Person?

Office Space Required per Person

When it comes to designing and organizing office space, one important factor to consider is how much space each person will need. This can be influenced by various factors, including the type of work being done, the layout of the office, and the company’s overall size. In this article, we’ll explore the various factors that can impact the amount of office space required per person and provide some guidelines for determining the appropriate amount of space for your organization.

How to Communicate the Return to Office Plan?

Return to office

The pandemic has completely changed the way we think about working in offices and remotely. Companies have responded in various ways. Some have had such a positive experience working from home that they have decided to go completely remote. Others are adamant that returning to the office is the best option. And, of course, many businesses are now taking a hybrid approach.

Desk Sharing: Pros and Cons (6 Tips)

Desk sharing pros and cons

We all like to have our own space when it comes to working, so the idea of sharing a desk with others is not always accepted with an open mind. However, since many businesses have shifted to hybrid work, overall workspace occupancy hardly reaches total capacity in offices with the traditional assigned desk system. Companies face serious underutilization and high maintenance costs due to a higher number of employees working remotely. Thus desk-sharing was born as a way of using unused space better.

Remote Work It Is!

Remote work bookings

Some of the most successful companies implement a simple working method that helps both sides – remote work policy. Researchers have already predicted that remote work will cover the companies globally in a few upcoming years; there are weighty arguments for implementing this too.

Reports About 2.4 Ghz WiFi Death Is Exaggerated

Desk with smart button

The current trend is to install new routers within the 5 GHz range. It creates an impression that 2.4 GHz WiFi is inevitably fading away. However, we argue the 2.4 GHz will stay with us for a while.

A Simple Way to Manage Your Meeting Room Bookings

Meeting room service request

Team meetings have not gone anywhere during the pandemic times. Occasionally we still need face-to-face communication, and video calls do not help much here. But TableAir Meeting room bookings can.