Holding companies
Desk booking
About EPSO-G
EPSO-G is a 100 % state-owned Group of energy transmission and exchange companies. The rights and obligations of EPSO-G holding shareholder are implemented by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania. The EPSO-G Group consists of the holding company EPSO-G UAB, five directly controlled companies of the Group: Amber Grid, Baltpool, Energy cells, Litgrid and Tetas. EPSO-G and Group companies also have shares in UAB GET Baltic, Baltic RCC OÜ and TSO Holding AS. The core business of the EPSO-G Group is to ensure the uninterrupted, stable transmission of electricity via high-voltage networks and natural gas via high-pressure pipelines, and the efficient management, maintenance, contracting and development of these transmission systems. The Group’s companies operate and develop trading platforms for biofuels, natural gas and timber to ensure transparent competition in the energy and timber markets.
EPSO-G Challenges
EPSO-G decided to move to a new office aiming to provide the best working conditions for their employees. However, the office had fewer workstations than employees. Since EPSO-G is a state-owned group, they initiated a tender to identify the most fitting workspace reservation system to address this issue. The company sought to streamline office management and create an optimal working environment. Among other participants, TableAir stood out with its capabilities, fulfilled all the requirements, and emerged as the tender winner.

The Solution
Desk booking
Desk booking
After TableAir won the tender, EPSO-G was eager to implement the solution promptly. The goal was to empower employees with coherent management of their daily schedules and the flexibility to choose the most suitable workspaces. EPSO-G sought TableAir’s expertise for a seamless implementation and synchronization with the Microsoft platform. So, the system was up and running within just 1 working day. TableAir had an onboarding session for the EPSO-G employees, ensuring all queries were addressed, and the company started to use the desk booking solution in just a few days.
with TableAir